When Joseph Henry Dyke was born on April 4, 1876, his father, Edwin Henry Dyke, was 31 and his mother, Selina Charlotte (née Webb) (1848-1937), was 28. He had five brothers and four sisters.
Joseph Henry married Annie Beck in 1899 in Nantwich, Cheshire, England.
When Annie Beck was born in 1877 in Crewe, Cheshire, England, her father, James Beck (1835-1921), was 41, and her mother, Catherine (née Battisson) (1838-1918), was 38.
They had one child during their marriage, Hubert Dyke (1905-1918).
I haven’t been able to find the couple on the 1901 Census.
Hubert is born in 1905.
In 1911, Joseph Henry, Annie, and Hubert are living at 144 Windsor Street in Wolverton. Joseph Henry’s occupation is a Foreman Brass Finisher in a Carriage Works.

Although Joseph Henry would have been the right age, I haven’t located any records that indicate he was in the military during WWI.
Hubert died in 1918, and at some point between the 1911 census and the 1939 Register, Annie also died.
In 1939, Joseph Henry is widowed, still living at 144 Windsor Street, now with a woman named Alice Betts (also a widow). John’s occupation is a “brass finisher” (foreman).

Joseph Henry died on January 6, 1949, still living at the Windsor Street address, at the age of 72. As his son and wife had passed, he appears to have left his estate to Edna Florence Riddy (her relationship is unknown).

Are you related to this family? Do you have photos or stories you’d be willing to share? Please contact me using the comment form below or find me on Facebook! Want to know where this family fits in my tree? Check out the Index!
2 Responses
Hi my Grandfather was called Frank Arthur Dyke he died in 1948 age 33 of consumption (TB) He is buried in Gorton cemetery. He was married to Marion Fenton who had 6 children to various men. My mother was called Jean Kennedy (nee Dyke born 1943). I was wondering whether they were related to you?
I have two Frank Arthur Dykes in my tree. Is it possible your Grandfather was also married to Christina Riley?